code not working



Can someone tell me what I have done wrong? I appreciate your help!

I want the groupfooter1(Dept_Division group footer) to not display only if
the field Dept_Division = is blank.

I put this code in the on format event of the groupfooter1

If Reports!rpt_Aging!Dept_Division = Null Then
Me.GroupFooter1.Visible = False
Me.GroupFooter1.Visible = True
End If

John W. Vinson

Can someone tell me what I have done wrong? I appreciate your help!

I want the groupfooter1(Dept_Division group footer) to not display only if
the field Dept_Division = is blank.

I put this code in the on format event of the groupfooter1

If Reports!rpt_Aging!Dept_Division = Null Then
Me.GroupFooter1.Visible = False
Me.GroupFooter1.Visible = True
End If

NULL is a funny beast. It means "This value is unknown, unspecified,
ambiguous". As such nothing is equal to NULL, or for that matter UNequal to

To catch cases where Dept_Division is NULL *or* contains a zero length string
(they're different) try

If Reports!rpt_Aging!Dept_Division & vbNullString = vbNullString Then

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