code is not working.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Heera Chavan
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Heera Chavan

Hi All,

This code checks the file path of workbook as it should be always on shared

Function PathAndName() As Boolean

Dim WBPath As String

WBPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B3").Value
'the string length is more the 100 carectors in length.

If ThisWorkbook.Path <> WBPath Then

MsgBox "This workbook is not correct path."
Exit Function

End If

End Function

This small funtion is troubling me a lot. It works on some machines and it
doesnt work on some. Some times it works on my machine and some times i

Kindly help
Heera Chavan
The function doesn't return a value and if on a worksheet will not run since
no parameter is pass to the function. worksheet functions only get called
when a dependency is updated. The dependency is the passed parameter which
doesn't exist.

Function PathAndName() As Boolean

Dim WBPath As String

WBPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("B3").Value
'the string length is more the 100 carectors in length.

If ThisWorkbook.Path <> WBPath Then

MsgBox "This workbook is not correct path."
PathAndName = False
PathAndName = True
End If

End Function

I would change the code to pass B3


Function PathAndName(WBPath as string) As Boolean

'the string length is more the 100 carectors in length.

If ThisWorkbook.Path <> WBPath Then

MsgBox "This workbook is not correct path."
PathAndName = False
PathAndName = True
End If

End Function
Hi Joel,

Thanks for your reply.
Its not a worksheet function.
My problem is in the following code If ThisWorkbook.Path <> WBPath Then.
the above mentioned code is not working sometimes.

Heera Chavan
Hi P45cal,

Thank you....your answer was quite near....but I understood cause after
going trough the post.

appriciate your work.....