code help

  • Thread starter Thread starter VickeyBG
  • Start date Start date


This code;
Me.Parent!SecondSubformCONTROLName!BoxName = Me!BoxName

was suppose to have the first subform field called: Box
Name, going to the second subform automatically also
called called: Box Name.

Our first subform is called: BOX TABLE subform
Our second subform is called: CONTENTS TABLE subform
Our field name is called: Box Name

Question: In the code given to us , where does the BOX
TABLE subform, CONTENTS TABLE subform, and Box Name go?


put the code in the first subform, in BoxName's
AfterUpdate event, as

Me.Parent!SecondSubformCONTROLName!BoxName = Me!BoxName

make sure you use the subform CONTROL name, rather than
the name of the
subform. to get the right name, open the main form in
design view. click
once on the 2nd subform *in the main form*, to select it.
in the Properties
box, click the Other tab, and look at the Name property.


news:[email protected]...
This code;
Me.Parent!SecondSubformCONTROLName!BoxName = Me!BoxName

was suppose to have the first subform field called: Box
Name, going to the second subform automatically also
called called: Box Name.


Me.Parent!SecondSubformCONTROLName.Form!BoxName = Me!BoxName

Matthias Kläy