Code for warning box under certain conditions



Our database handles orders and the the despatch of goods
I want to set up a popup warning message that will display when an order
record on a form is opened under certain circumstances (2 or 3 separate
1. One of the controls on the form is a combo called Status in which the
user will have selected the status of the order. These values come from the
StatusLevel table. We would need to act upon the forms where the Status is
2. The second value that needs to be met in order to fire the warning is
another combo control based on the PaymentType table, which includes one
called Prepay.
Now...if both the Status is "Ready" and the Payment control is "Prepay". the
OnCurrent event for the form is to fire the warning message (I'm OK on that
What I cannot get right is the code to refer correctly to those two controls
and their values and I would really appreciate somebody spelling it out for
me. Ken Sheridan pointed me in the right direction but I haven't got it quite
right and get an error when I open the form saying that I am referring to an
invalid or non-existent control.
Once again, the two relevant scenarios (both together) are:
Status from the StatusLevel table is "Ready" on the record being opened
Payment Type from the PaymentType table is set to "Prepay" on that record.

Looking forward to your suggestions!
Many thanks

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