Code Dissapears when Retroing Acc2007 back to Acc2003



I apologize if this has been addressed previously, but I couldn't find it any

I had a database designed in Access 2007 but saved as Access 2000-2003 file
format. Office 2007 Beta was buggy in general on my machine, so I decided to
return to Office 2003. I removed Office 2007 via the Windows Add/Remove and
installed Office 2003 via a fully licensed CD with no apparent issues.

I opened the previously mentioned 2000-2003 formated database in Access 2003
and approximately 75% of my code is gone--just wiped out, so, for example, I
have buttons on forms, but nothing happens when you click on them and if you
go into form view and check out the code behind them, there's nothing there.
What's strange, though, is that about 25% of the code IS still there. There
doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason as to what stayed and what
disappeared (for example, some code that was entered after other code is
still there and some code is on some forms, while some forms lost
everything). It also blasted the few modules I had in the db.

I tried adding the file as trusted then lowered the security setting
thinking that had something to do with it and finally did both, but the code
is gone for good (I had even saved two different backups in 2000/20003 format
before I retro'ed, so in case something happened I'd have 'em, but even those
have the same code missing).

Any ideas about what did I do wrong? I'm guessing that's what I get for
using an important file in a Beta environment and then trying to revert back.
Thanks in advance for any explanations.


I would reccomend changing platforms.

Microsoft doesn't take Access seriously.

Has anyone tried Oracle forms, by chance?


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