Code changes from this code to print queries necessary to print out macro definitions

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In searching the web for a method to print out macro definitions, I
found this code from allen Browne to print out query definitions. Is
there a similar way to print out macros?

Public Function ShowAllQueries()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef

Set db = CurrentDb()
For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
Debug.Print qdf.Name, qdf.SQL
End Function

In other words, does DAO or some other object expose something like a
MacroDef, similar to a QueryDef?

Thank you.
I tried Arvin Meyer's code and it worked fine. I added tables (which was
missing) but it fails when it runs:

Set cnt = dbs.Containers("tables")
For Each doc In cnt.Documents
Application.SaveAsText acTable,, "D:\Document\" & &
Next doc

The message is this: The Object Type argument for the action or method is
blank or invalid. Is dbs.Containers("tables") invalid? Will anthing work
here for tables?


Didya ever stop to think there was a reason why tables weren't included? <g>

What do you want to see for tables? A list of table names and the fields
within them?

Public Function ShowAllQueries()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field

Set db = CurrentDb()
For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
Debug.Print tdf.Name
For Each fld in tdf.Fields
Debug.Print " " & fld.Name
Next fld
Next tdf

End Function

If something else, post back with details.

yea, I figured tables were probably excluded for a reason, but .......

Thanks for your code..It (of course) there a way I can add the
validation rules and the "required" indicator and the data type?

Thanks a lot

Both the TableDef and Field objects have a ValidationRule property that you
can refer to the same way as the code below refers to the Name property.
It'll be a ZLS (zero-length string, or "") if no rule exists.

The Field object has a Required property that will be True or False.

The Field object also has a Type property that will indicate the data type
of the field. Unfortunately, it returns a number: you'd have to write a
function that translates that number to the appropriate data type name.

Rather than re-invent the wheel, though, you might be interested in some of
the options Jeff Conrad lists at