Code Behind pages in VS C# 2005




In the class that I was in, double clicking on the .aspx page (in D
esign mode)would open a file for the .aspx.cs page. However, when I do
a double click in VS C# 2005 on the .aspx page, I get the following
inserted into my .aspx page


<script runat="server">

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)





In other words, I am not taken to the .aspx.cs page so I can edit it.

What gives?



Basically, when creating my .aspx page, there was a popup that has a
checkbox with "Place code in separate file".

When I check this, then the codebehind pages are created in the
..aspx.cs (since I am using C Sharp) files and not as part of the .aspx
file itself

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