I'm trying to figure out what exactly the CObj() function does. I'm not
using it for any reason, but on a review of all those casting functions like
cstr, cbool, cdate, I saw it, but couldn't for the life of me figure out the
point of such a function, or how I would ever need to use it. It takes in
an object as a parameter, and returns an object.
Here's what the MSDN documentation has to say about it:
CObj Example
This example uses the CObj function to convert a numeric value to Object.
The Object variable itself contains only a four-byte pointer, which points
to the Double value assigned to it.
Dim MyDouble As Double
Dim MyObject As Object
MyDouble = 2.7182818284
MyObject = CObj(MyDouble) ' Double value is pointed to by MyObject.
Just wondering...
using it for any reason, but on a review of all those casting functions like
cstr, cbool, cdate, I saw it, but couldn't for the life of me figure out the
point of such a function, or how I would ever need to use it. It takes in
an object as a parameter, and returns an object.
Here's what the MSDN documentation has to say about it:
CObj Example
This example uses the CObj function to convert a numeric value to Object.
The Object variable itself contains only a four-byte pointer, which points
to the Double value assigned to it.
Dim MyDouble As Double
Dim MyObject As Object
MyDouble = 2.7182818284
MyObject = CObj(MyDouble) ' Double value is pointed to by MyObject.
Just wondering...