CObj() Function -- What's the point?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raterus
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to figure out what exactly the CObj() function does. I'm not
using it for any reason, but on a review of all those casting functions like
cstr, cbool, cdate, I saw it, but couldn't for the life of me figure out the
point of such a function, or how I would ever need to use it. It takes in
an object as a parameter, and returns an object.

Here's what the MSDN documentation has to say about it:

CObj Example

This example uses the CObj function to convert a numeric value to Object.
The Object variable itself contains only a four-byte pointer, which points
to the Double value assigned to it.

Dim MyDouble As Double
Dim MyObject As Object
MyDouble = 2.7182818284
MyObject = CObj(MyDouble) ' Double value is pointed to by MyObject.

Just wondering...
Well... we don't really use CObj anymore... more of a VB6 thing than

Second of all, it is good practice for explicit type casting, which if you
had Option Strict On you would get errors if you didn't use CObj in this

or the more preferred VB.NET Style

CType(myDoubleVariable, System.Object)


DirectCast(myDoubleVar, System.Object)