Short version of my "tips". Long boring details in next post.
Pics are worth a thousand words
I create a new list based on schedule and type of backup; either Incremental or Full (However CB help shows how to manually
command one full backup from an Incremental Task, so my lists are all incremental type.)
Create the first task. Set schedule, etc. leave the Include and Exclude ("Special") tab alone for now.
Close and shutdown all cobi exe's.
Open .LST file in text editor.
Add all wildcard masks by replacing line:
(I find Exclude files masks more useful, so never use Include masks, but I assume same process is best for IncludeFiles)
proper appearance after restarting all CB exe's
improper appearance
Clone your task.
Rename your clone. Edit your clone by dragging appropriate folders or files. ("Files" tab)
For unique Tasks such as Program settings,
1 Drag any unique folders to Exclude tab.
2 Add unique wildcard masks as usual:
or shut down all CBs and manually edit ExcludeFiles in the task(s) in your lst file(s)
I'm rather sure that all Double-Quote characters must be eliminated from the ExcludeFiles line.
Pics are worth a thousand words
I create a new list based on schedule and type of backup; either Incremental or Full (However CB help shows how to manually
command one full backup from an Incremental Task, so my lists are all incremental type.)
Create the first task. Set schedule, etc. leave the Include and Exclude ("Special") tab alone for now.
Close and shutdown all cobi exe's.
Open .LST file in text editor.
Add all wildcard masks by replacing line:
(I find Exclude files masks more useful, so never use Include masks, but I assume same process is best for IncludeFiles)
proper appearance after restarting all CB exe's
improper appearance
Clone your task.
Rename your clone. Edit your clone by dragging appropriate folders or files. ("Files" tab)
For unique Tasks such as Program settings,
1 Drag any unique folders to Exclude tab.
2 Add unique wildcard masks as usual:
or shut down all CBs and manually edit ExcludeFiles in the task(s) in your lst file(s)
I'm rather sure that all Double-Quote characters must be eliminated from the ExcludeFiles line.