Coalescing date ranges

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Morley
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Robert Morley

Hi all,

First, sorry for cross-posting, but as I have flexibility on how I do this,
I thought I'd post it to the two most-relevant groups. I can do this either
server-side, using a stored procedure, or I can do it client-side using VBA.
The recordset is only a few thousand records, and we all have at least 3M
down/800k up DSL if not 10/100 LAN connections, so client-side isn't really
a huge deal. Anyway, here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm working in an Access ADP, with SQL Server 2000 as the back-end. I have
a recordset with the following structure (simplified for the sake of keeping
this straight-forward):

AccountID - char (4)
PersonID - int
BeginDate - smalldatetime - date only, always populated (i.e., never NULL)
EndDate - smalldatetime - date only, but NULL if person is currently
assigned to this account (i.e., NULL is treated as higher than any non-NULL
date in a range)

These records are coming to me from a different server, which tracks based
on sub-accounts, and I need to track only by the main account. So for every
record that has the same AccountID/PersonID, I need to coalesce overlapping
date ranges into a single date range using the largest possible range--even
if it mixes the BeginDate from one record with the EndDate from
another--while not coalescing date ranges that are completely separate.
(There's an unrelated unique identifier in the final table, so multiple
AccountID/PersonID with different date ranges are fine in the final

Note: the source records can either be dealt with as unmodifiable, or I can
dump them into a temp table to allow for modification/deletion of
records...whatever method is easiest.

So to give you an example:

A001 1 2001-Dec-02 2002-Jul-07
A001 1 2003-Jan-01 2005-Jan-31
A001 1 2004-Feb-05 NULL
A001 2 2002-Aug-01 2003-Jul-31
A001 2 2001-Jan-16 2005-Feb-28

should "coalesce" to:

A001 1 2001-Dec-02 2002-Jul-07
A001 1 2003-Jan-01 NULL (combining two records to return largest
range, while not deleting unrelated range)
A001 2 2001-Jan-16 2005-Feb-28 (using only record with largest
range, ignoring the one with embedded range)

Ultimately, I know I can do this in VBA, though I might not use the best
method to get from point A to point B; so if anybody can provide a better
method, great...if you can provide insight into doing it entirely
server-side, even better!

For doing this on the SQL-Server side, the most obvious solution would be to
use a cursor with a temporary table. If you want a SELECT only solution,
the following should fill the bill but it is a little more complicated to
understand: Table4 is the source table and IdK is its primary key:

-- All records with no overlap:
SELECT t1.IdK, t1.AccountId, T1.PersonId, 0 as Overlap, BeginDate as
MinBeginDate, EndDate as MaxEndDate
FROM Table4 t1
WHERE Not Exists (
select * from table4 t2
where (t1.idk != t2.idk)
And (t1.AccountId = t2.AccountId)
And (t1.PersonId = t2.PersonId)
And ( (t1.BeginDate <= t2.BeginDate AND (t1.EndDate >= t2.BeginDate OR
t1.EndDate IS NULL))
(t2.BeginDate <= t1.BeginDate AND (t2.EndDate >= t1.BeginDate OR
t2.EndDate IS NULL))

-- Last record of each group of records with overlap:
SELECT t1.IdK, t1.AccountId, T1.PersonId, 1 as Overlap,
(Select Min (BeginDate) from Table4 t2 where t1.idk >= t2.idk
And (t1.AccountId = t2.AccountId)
And (t1.PersonId = t2.PersonId)
And ( (t1.BeginDate <= t2.BeginDate AND (t1.EndDate >= t2.BeginDate OR
t1.EndDate IS NULL))
(t2.BeginDate <= t1.BeginDate AND (t2.EndDate >= t1.BeginDate OR
t2.EndDate IS NULL))
) as MinBeginDate,

(Select Case When Max(IsNull (EndDate, '12/31/9999')) = '12/31/9999' then
Null Else Max (EndDate) End

From Table4 t2
Where t1.idk >= t2.idk
And (t1.AccountId = t2.AccountId)
And (t1.PersonId = t2.PersonId)
And ( (t1.BeginDate <= t2.BeginDate AND (t1.EndDate >= t2.BeginDate OR
t1.EndDate IS NULL))
(t2.BeginDate <= t1.BeginDate AND (t2.EndDate >= t1.BeginDate OR
t2.EndDate IS NULL))
) as MaxEndDate

FROM Table4 t1
WHERE Exists (
select * from table4 t2
where (t1.idk > t2.idk)
And (t1.AccountId = t2.AccountId)
And (t1.PersonId = t2.PersonId)
And ( (t1.BeginDate <= t2.BeginDate AND(t1.EndDate >= t2.BeginDate OR
t1.EndDate IS NULL))
(t2.BeginDate <= t1.BeginDate AND (t2.EndDate >= t1.BeginDate OR
t2.EndDate IS NULL))
I posted last night saying I'd look at this this morning, but it seems my
post never showed up. In any event, I've looked over the SQL query, and it
makes a lot of sense. I've used UNION queries to pull off any number of
amusing queries before, but the joins you used simply never occurred to me.
Nice bit of coding, thanks!

(Note: I have discontinued this thread in the Access Modules/Coding group,
as it no longer applies to that group.)

Okay, I just tried it out, and it appears to work correctly at first glance,
but if I understand the algorithm correctly, the assumption is being made
that Table4 will be ordered by AccountID, PersonID, and BeginDate, and that
IdK will also increment according to that order, correct? (I've tried not
sorting in that order, and the resulting set completely left out the records
that violated that rule.)

This isn't a problem, as I have to create a temporary table to provide an
identity field anyway (the original database I'm getting this from doesn't
seem to believe in identity values, or at least isn't exposing them to me),
I just want to be certain I'm understanding it properly.

Oh, one other oddity I came across in this query: when I used '12/31/9999',
it rejected the date as being out-of-range for a smalldatetime (which, of
course, is incorrect), but when I used '12/31/2006', it was fine. On
further exploration, and switching to an unambiguous format, I found that
'Jun 6, 2079' is the cut-off...'Jun 7, 2079' and beyond will return an
out-of-range error. I don't have rights on the physical server to check the
international settings in its control panel, but I DO have full rights to
the SQL Server instance, so I can tell you that this doesn't in any way
correspond to the two-digit date cutoff there (which is 1950-2049). Any

Thanks again,
Note: I have discontinued replying to this group, as it clearly no longer
applies to Access Modules/Coding.

Oh crap, I'm an idiot. Please ignore the above message for the SQL Server
newsgroup. <blush>

*MODERATORS*: If you happen to notice this message, please delete this post
and the one above it for the SQL Server newsgroup only!

Never mind the bit in the previous message about the smalldatetime. I'm
still a little new to SQL Server and failed to notice that the
"smalldatetime data type, described" also included data on the datetime data
type, so mis-read the limits of the type as being '12/31/9999'.

Hum, no, I've made no assumption about the data beeind ordered by Account
ID, PersonID and BeginDate. The only assumption was that the IdK column is
a primary key.

However, after taking a second look at the design, the second part of the
UNION is obviously wrong: the idea was to return only a single record (any
one of them) from a group of two or more overlaping records and it is
obvious to me now that adding the condition « (t1.idk > t2.idk) » is not
sufficient to achieve that: it will work only when there is only two
records, not more. By the same token, the condition (t1.idk >= t2.idk) must
also be removed from the two subqueries that are computing the MinDate and
the MaxDate

To correct this, you should add a Not Exist clause to the whole thing or use
a Max(IdK) (or a Min()) clause and make an equality comparaison with the

First solution:

WHERE Exists (

AND Not Exists (
select * from table4 t2
where (t1.idk < t2.idk)
And (t1.AccountId = t2.AccountId)
And (t1.PersonId = t2.PersonId)
And ( (t1.BeginDate <= t2.BeginDate AND(t1.EndDate >= t2.BeginDate OR
t1.EndDate IS NULL))
(t2.BeginDate <= t1.BeginDate AND (t2.EndDate >= t1.BeginDate OR
t2.EndDate IS NULL))


Or better, the second solution using the Max() or the Min() function:

WHERE t1.IdK = (
select Max (IdK) from table4 t2
where (t1.AccountId = t2.AccountId)
And (t1.PersonId = t2.PersonId)
And ( (t1.BeginDate <= t2.BeginDate AND(t1.EndDate >= t2.BeginDate OR
t1.EndDate IS NULL))
(t2.BeginDate <= t1.BeginDate AND (t2.EndDate >= t1.BeginDate OR
t2.EndDate IS NULL))


Sorry for the bugs but I was working late and I was simply using the test
data that you provided without thinking any further. Also, I didn't take
the time to rebuild the test table and test this solution, so maybe there is
still a bug lurking there but feel free to post again if you have still
some trouble with this.

And don't forget to remove the (t1.idk >= t2.idk) from the two subqueries.
Well, I'm really tired: in the second solution with the Max() function, you
must also add the condition (t1.idk != t2.idk) to retrieve only records with
a least one overlap with another record.

Sorry again, I think that I will go to sleep early this evening.
Sorry again, I think that I will go to sleep early this evening. you can see from my other posts, I think that should apply to
both of us! :)

I tried that adding t1.IdK != t2.IdK, but that just returns an empty
recordset every time, so maybe I'm misunderstanding something? I've tried
playing with the logic, but just can't seem to get it to work no matter what
I try.

Just to check a worst-case scenario, here's the "ultimate" test recordset.
It contains three non-overlapping ranges, where one range (the last three
records) has three separate intersecting sets, but the first & last sets do
not overlap with each other, they only overlap by virtue of the second set
joining them.

A001 1 Jan 1, 2001 Dec 31, 2001
A001 1 Jan 1, 2002 Jul 31, 2002
A001 1 Jun 1, 2002 Dec 31, 2002
A001 1 Jan 1, 2003 Jan 31, 2004
A001 1 Jan 1, 2004 Jan 31, 2005
A001 1 Jan 1, 2005 NULL

....which should collapse to...

A001 1 Jan 1, 2001 Dec 31, 2001
A001 1 Jan 1, 2002 Dec 31, 2002
A001 1 Jan 1, 2003 NULL
I've just take a deep look at your data and I'm very sorry to say but if the
first part (non-overlaping records) is easy, the second one is not because
of a hierarchical relation problem: the 4th and the 5th record are
overlaping and the 5th and the 6th are overlaping too but the 4th and the
5th are not; so it's much more difficult to group them then I tought at

SQL-Server 2000 doesn't offer native support for recursivity (SQL-2005
does), so I've decided to give up and use my first idea of using a cursor:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[table4_test] AS

Set NoCount ON
create table #t (IdK int primary key, AccountId nchar (4), PersonId int,
BeginDate DateTime, EndDate DateTime)

declare @IdK int
declare @IdK2 int
declare @AccountId nchar(4)
declare @PersonId int
declare @BeginDate DateTime
declare @EndDate DateTime

Declare Curseur cursor for
Select IdK, AccountId, PersonId, BeginDate, EndDate
From Table4
Order By BeginDate

Open Curseur
Fetch Next From Curseur into @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate,

While @@Fetch_Status = 0
Select @IdK2 = (
Select Idk
From #T
Where (#T.AccountId = @AccountId)
And (#T.PersonId = @PersonId)
And ( (#T.BeginDate <= @BeginDate AND (#T.EndDate >= @BeginDate OR
#T.EndDate IS NULL))
(@BeginDate <= #T.BeginDate AND (@EndDate >= #T.BeginDate OR
@EndDate IS NULL))

if (@IdK2 is Not Null)
Update #T
Set BeginDate = Case When BeginDate < @BeginDate Then BeginDate Else
@BeginDate End,
EndDate = Case When EndDate is Null or @EndDate is Null Then Null When
EndDate >= @EndDate Then EndDate Else @EndDate End
From #T
Where #T.IdK = @IdK2
End Else
Insert into #T
Select @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate, @EndDate

Fetch Next From Curseur into @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate,

Close Curseur
Deallocate Curseur

Select IdK, AccountId, PersonId, BeginDate, EndDate from #T
Oups, I wanted to write: « the 4th and the 5th record are overlaping and the
5th and the 6th are overlaping too but the 4th and the 6th are not; »

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
I've just take a deep look at your data and I'm very sorry to say but if
the first part (non-overlaping records) is easy, the second one is not
because of a hierarchical relation problem: the 4th and the 5th record are
overlaping and the 5th and the 6th are overlaping too but the 4th and the
5th are not; so it's much more difficult to group them then I tought at

SQL-Server 2000 doesn't offer native support for recursivity (SQL-2005
does), so I've decided to give up and use my first idea of using a cursor:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[table4_test] AS

Set NoCount ON
create table #t (IdK int primary key, AccountId nchar (4), PersonId int,
BeginDate DateTime, EndDate DateTime)

declare @IdK int
declare @IdK2 int
declare @AccountId nchar(4)
declare @PersonId int
declare @BeginDate DateTime
declare @EndDate DateTime

Declare Curseur cursor for
Select IdK, AccountId, PersonId, BeginDate, EndDate
From Table4
Order By BeginDate

Open Curseur
Fetch Next From Curseur into @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate,

While @@Fetch_Status = 0
Select @IdK2 = (
Select Idk
From #T
Where (#T.AccountId = @AccountId)
And (#T.PersonId = @PersonId)
And ( (#T.BeginDate <= @BeginDate AND (#T.EndDate >= @BeginDate OR
#T.EndDate IS NULL))
(@BeginDate <= #T.BeginDate AND (@EndDate >= #T.BeginDate OR
@EndDate IS NULL))

if (@IdK2 is Not Null)
Update #T
Set BeginDate = Case When BeginDate < @BeginDate Then BeginDate Else
@BeginDate End,
EndDate = Case When EndDate is Null or @EndDate is Null Then Null When
EndDate >= @EndDate Then EndDate Else @EndDate End
From #T
Where #T.IdK = @IdK2
End Else
Insert into #T
Select @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate, @EndDate

Fetch Next From Curseur into @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate,

Close Curseur
Deallocate Curseur

Select IdK, AccountId, PersonId, BeginDate, EndDate from #T

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC

Robert Morley said:
I tried that adding t1.IdK != t2.IdK, but that just returns an empty
recordset every time, so maybe I'm misunderstanding something? I've tried
playing with the logic, but just can't seem to get it to work no matter
what I try.

Just to check a worst-case scenario, here's the "ultimate" test
recordset. It contains three non-overlapping ranges, where one range (the
last three records) has three separate intersecting sets, but the first &
last sets do not overlap with each other, they only overlap by virtue of
the second set joining them.

A001 1 Jan 1, 2001 Dec 31, 2001
A001 1 Jan 1, 2002 Jul 31, 2002
A001 1 Jun 1, 2002 Dec 31, 2002
A001 1 Jan 1, 2003 Jan 31, 2004
A001 1 Jan 1, 2004 Jan 31, 2005
A001 1 Jan 1, 2005 NULL

...which should collapse to...

A001 1 Jan 1, 2001 Dec 31, 2001
A001 1 Jan 1, 2002 Dec 31, 2002
A001 1 Jan 1, 2003 NULL
I just wrote the code in VBA earlier this afternoon to work out the kinks,
since that's what I'm more familiar with, and was going to convert it to a
Stored Procedure tomorrow...the code below will undoubtedly save me a lot of
time. :)

Je te remerci,

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
I've just take a deep look at your data and I'm very sorry to say but if
the first part (non-overlaping records) is easy, the second one is not
because of a hierarchical relation problem: the 4th and the 5th record are
overlaping and the 5th and the 6th are overlaping too but the 4th and the
5th are not; so it's much more difficult to group them then I tought at

SQL-Server 2000 doesn't offer native support for recursivity (SQL-2005
does), so I've decided to give up and use my first idea of using a cursor:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[table4_test] AS

Set NoCount ON
create table #t (IdK int primary key, AccountId nchar (4), PersonId int,
BeginDate DateTime, EndDate DateTime)

declare @IdK int
declare @IdK2 int
declare @AccountId nchar(4)
declare @PersonId int
declare @BeginDate DateTime
declare @EndDate DateTime

Declare Curseur cursor for
Select IdK, AccountId, PersonId, BeginDate, EndDate
From Table4
Order By BeginDate

Open Curseur
Fetch Next From Curseur into @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate,

While @@Fetch_Status = 0
Select @IdK2 = (
Select Idk
From #T
Where (#T.AccountId = @AccountId)
And (#T.PersonId = @PersonId)
And ( (#T.BeginDate <= @BeginDate AND (#T.EndDate >= @BeginDate OR
#T.EndDate IS NULL))
(@BeginDate <= #T.BeginDate AND (@EndDate >= #T.BeginDate OR
@EndDate IS NULL))

if (@IdK2 is Not Null)
Update #T
Set BeginDate = Case When BeginDate < @BeginDate Then BeginDate Else
@BeginDate End,
EndDate = Case When EndDate is Null or @EndDate is Null Then Null When
EndDate >= @EndDate Then EndDate Else @EndDate End
From #T
Where #T.IdK = @IdK2
End Else
Insert into #T
Select @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate, @EndDate

Fetch Next From Curseur into @IdK, @AccountId, @PersonId, @BeginDate,

Close Curseur
Deallocate Curseur

Select IdK, AccountId, PersonId, BeginDate, EndDate from #T

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC

Robert Morley said:
I tried that adding t1.IdK != t2.IdK, but that just returns an empty
recordset every time, so maybe I'm misunderstanding something? I've tried
playing with the logic, but just can't seem to get it to work no matter
what I try.

Just to check a worst-case scenario, here's the "ultimate" test
recordset. It contains three non-overlapping ranges, where one range (the
last three records) has three separate intersecting sets, but the first &
last sets do not overlap with each other, they only overlap by virtue of
the second set joining them.

A001 1 Jan 1, 2001 Dec 31, 2001
A001 1 Jan 1, 2002 Jul 31, 2002
A001 1 Jun 1, 2002 Dec 31, 2002
A001 1 Jan 1, 2003 Jan 31, 2004
A001 1 Jan 1, 2004 Jan 31, 2005
A001 1 Jan 1, 2005 NULL

...which should collapse to...

A001 1 Jan 1, 2001 Dec 31, 2001
A001 1 Jan 1, 2002 Dec 31, 2002
A001 1 Jan 1, 2003 NULL
Hi Sylvain (and anybody else following this thread),

I just came up with my final code, which takes a different approach from
yours, but seems to work very well. It parses the original 5023-record set
into the final set of 4643 records in about 2-3 seconds.

The code below is what I ultimately used. Note that this code includes
additional fields, since I had simplified my original recordset for the sake
of example. If you spot any bugs, or have any suggested improvements to the
function below, I'd love to hear them.

The basic logic is to initialize one record, move to the next record, and
compare the current record in the set with the previous one. If they're
within the same subset (AccountID, TypeID, and ContactID are equal to the
previous record), compare the start date of the current date with the end
date of the previous one (we don't need to compare start dates, since
they're already sorted in order and the current one is guaranteed to be >=
the previous one). If the dates intersect, update the end date to be the
later of the two dates. If the dates don't intersect, or we've moved into a
new subset, write the saved values out to the table, update the saved values
appropriately and continue.

A final note, for anybody wondering, at this point GetsInterviewReports and
GetsAccountReports can be looked up based on TypeID, so we know we only need
to track them at the subset was simply convenient to include them
in this recordset rather than doing lookups/joins later on.

RETURNS @AcctTeam table (
AccountID char(4),
TypeID tinyint,
ContactID smallint,
GetsInterviewReports bit,
GetsAccountReports bit,
StartDate smalldatetime,
EndDate smalldatetime
DECLARE @AccountID char(4)
DECLARE @AccountIDSave char(4)
DECLARE @TypeID tinyint
DECLARE @TypeIDSave tinyint
DECLARE @ContactID smallint
DECLARE @ContactIDSave smallint
DECLARE @IntRpts bit
DECLARE @IntRptsSave bit
DECLARE @AcctRpts bit
DECLARE @AcctRptsSave bit
DECLARE @StartDate smalldatetime
DECLARE @StartDateSave smalldatetime
DECLARE @EndDate smalldatetime
DECLARE @EndDateSave smalldatetime
DECLARE DDSTRepCursor cursor for
SELECT AccountID, TypeID, ContactID, InterviewReports,
AccountReports, StartDate, EndDate
ORDER BY AccountID, TypeID, ContactID, StartDate

FETCH NEXT FROM DDSTRepCursor INTO @AccountID, @TypeID, @ContactID,
@IntRpts, @AcctRpts, @StartDate, @EndDate
SET @AccountIDSave = @AccountID
SET @TypeIDSave = @TypeID
SET @ContactIDSave = @ContactID
SET @IntRptsSave = @IntRpts
SET @AcctRptsSave = @AcctRpts
SET @StartDateSave = @StartDate
SET @EndDateSave = @EndDate
FETCH NEXT FROM DDSTRepCursor INTO @AccountID, @TypeID, @ContactID,
@IntRpts, @AcctRpts, @StartDate, @EndDate

IF (@AccountID = @AccountIDSave) AND (@TypeID = @TypeIDSave) AND
(@ContactID = @ContactIDSave)
IF (@StartDate < ISNULL(@EndDateSave, 'Jun 6, 2079'))
IF ISNULL(@EndDate, 'Jun 6, 2079) > @EndDateSave SET
@EndDateSave = @EndDate
END --Necessary only so the above 'IF' isn't associated with the
'ELSE' below.
INSERT INTO @AcctTeam SELECT @AccountIDSave, @TypeIDSave,
@ContactIDSave, @IntRptsSave, @AcctRptsSave, @StartDateSave, @EndDateSave
SET @StartDateSave = @StartDate
SET @EndDateSave = @EndDate
INSERT INTO @AcctTeam SELECT @AccountIDSave, @TypeIDSave,
@ContactIDSave, @IntRptsSave, @AcctRptsSave, @StartDateSave, @EndDateSave
SET @AccountIDSave = @AccountID
SET @TypeIDSave = @TypeID
SET @ContactIDSave = @ContactID
SET @IntRptsSave = @IntRpts
SET @AcctRptsSave = @AcctRpts
SET @StartDateSave = @StartDate
SET @EndDateSave = @EndDate
FETCH NEXT FROM DDSTRepCursor INTO @AccountID, @TypeID, @ContactID,
@IntRpts, @AcctRpts, @StartDate, @EndDate
INSERT INTO @AcctTeam SELECT @AccountIDSave, @TypeIDSave,
@ContactIDSave, @IntRptsSave, @AcctRptsSave, @StartDateSave, @EndDateSave

Yes, you're right: ordering the values by time date make it unecessary to
look at more than a single previous record.

The only (small) bug that I've found in your code is the possibility of a
source with 0 records: in this case, the last INSERT will insert a record
with all null values and this record will be returned as the result instead
of returning an empty result.
Good catch, thanks!

In theory, that'll never be a problem (I sure as !$#% HOPE we never have 0
employees, anyway), but I'll make the adjustment just to be safe.

Thanks yet again,