Co-op, they say its a Supermarket

May 10, 2005
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Good Afternoon
Very recently I and a mate learnt how to set up our PC's on a network to link up for gaming and file transfers.
Anyway we are simply after some good pc games that allow a co-op mode over our network, therefore thought I’d ask for some suggestions?

I hear Lego Star Wars is co-op? Though from the reviews am unsure if this is split screen or networked?

Much appreciated
Co-Op games are great fun :D

There are some games around that you can actually do single player type missions in co-op mode, such as NOLF2.

Lego Star Wars has split screen mode for sure, but it may be networkable too - try browsing the site here:
would UT04 be considered coop? Halo has a coop option, but i havent benn aboe to get that to work

other wise im not to sure what games are coop.