CMOS will not hold time or date

Oct 21, 2005
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The mother board is Asroc K7Ugrade-880.the comp is 3 months old. I bought it for my g/son at a comp market in Hull from a firm based in Manchester Problems!!!! When it boots up It pauses giving me the option F1 to continue bootup. F2 to enter bios, if i enter date/time in bios it is ok. It will restart. If I shut comp' it will bootup ok.Correct time showing on desktop,but if I shut it down and then switch it off on the wall socket it's back to sqaure one,could it be the CMOS battery how do i test it.Hope someone can help these are desperate times belive me.Many thanks in advance. pippip
Change the CMOS battery ... Maplins, watch repare shop will have them ... it is easy enough to do.

many thanks to Kunal 256 & Muckshifter for your help,I fitted new CMOS battery,I also found a further problem the company who built the comp had left the CMOS RAM CLEAR shorted hence the flat battry on a new computer all solved now many thanks again. pippip
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