Newfdog said:
Hi all..... Do I have to shut down my PC to replace the bios battery and
if I do will I lose all my bios settings when I remove the battery to
install a new one?
The safest way to do this is with the computer powered off and
unplugged. That guarantees there is no +5VSB alive in the computer.
If you are worried about static electricity, then leaving the
computer plugged into a power strip which is switched off, would
leave the safety ground connected to the computer. In any case,
make sure the green LED on the motherboard is not lit - it
indicates the status of +5VSB and it should be off.
A previous poster who tested this, found that his settings were
still valid, after replacing the battery. The secret is not
spending too much time in the battery-less state. If you fumble the
battery, and somehow short the battery socket contacts together,
that could be enough to drain what little energy is left in the bypass
capacitor, in which case you'll lose the settings. The CMOS only
draws a few microamps, and that is why it can keep the settings
if you don't leave it without a battery for too long.
As the other posters suggest, write down the settings just in case.
If the settings are important to you, there might be other occasions
where you will need to restore the settings, so recording them now
will make some future job that much easier. For example, if you
ever need to clear the CMOS due to some other problem. A digital
camera is one way to record screen settings without working up
much of a sweat.