C'mon. Isn't there a SIMPLE way to...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robin
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I'm pretty good with Access VBA but new to Excel.
Isn't there a simple way to go to a cell and insert x number of rows based
on an integer variable.

The cell I want to go to is rgWTBaEnd and the number of rows I wnat to
insert is intAInsert.

I can't believe one must do what I'm seeing in this discussion group for
something that simple. Help me please.

Something like this?

ActiveSheet.Rows(rgWTBaEnd & ":" rgWTBaEnd + intAInsert-1).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown

This will insert the new rows ABOVE row rgWTBaEnd. If you want to insert
the new rows beneath that row, use:

ActiveSheet.Rows(rgWTBaEnd + 1 & ":" rgWTBaEnd + intAInsert).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown



I have no idea what you mean by
The cell I want to go to is rgWTBaEnd

Perhaps you could explain a bit more but to insert n rows use this

intAInsert = 5

This inserts 5 rows a row 7

This is what I use. Hope this helps! If so, let me know, click "YES" below.

' adds new rows for new data
Mike H,

rgWTBaEnd is a range name. I use range names so if the layout of a
worksheet changes I don't have to change any cell addresses hard keyed into
programming lines. Sorry for the confusion.

I tried you suggestion and and inserted "rgrgWTBaEnd" (in quotes) where you
had the 7. I got a Run TIme Error 13 - Type Mismatch.

I'll try one of the other suggestions but play around with yours. It DOES
seem it should work...from my limited experience!

Thank you,

After trying Mike H's below I trie yours and got the same Run Time Error 13.
The rgWTBaEnd is a range name which refers to a single cell. Yours, as
MikeH's seems like it should work. Coming from Access VBA, it's these
references in Excel that are really confusing. Is the & ":" & in your line
trying to create a range from cells as you would do if you were keying in a
range in a formula? I tried removing that and the second reference to my
range so it would only refer to the single cell range. Putting the range
name in quotes gives me the Error 13 above. If I remove the quotes I get Run
Time error 1004 - Application Defined or Object...

Sorry I'm not getting what is probably simple. Or is it my reference to a
range name that is throwing everything off? I just assumed I could use range
names in VBA.

Thank you,
Hello Ryan H,

After trying the above responses to no avail, I've now tried yours an I get
Run Time Error 424 - Object Required. I replaced "Sheet 1" in your example
with "WTB" (the name of the worksheet that has range rgWTBaEnd on it.) Three
tries, three misses. I'm feeling a bit dumb. But you now understand why I
"Titled" my post as I did! :)

Thank you,

In that case the syntax is

intAInsert = 5

Use this if you want to insert an entire row.


Or if you want to insert rows into the range only then:


Hope this helps! If so, let me know, click "YES" below.

That works! Thank you very much!

Ryan's was almost there also, just replace the 'Rows(...' with 'Range(..."

I'm gonna have to work on these reference differences.

Thank you all,
Thank you Ryan. Mike gave me an answer that works and your reply taught me
something if I'm understanding correctly. Your Resize...Insert example is
like the menu option Insert...Cells...Shift Cells Down as opposed to the
Resize...Insert.EntireRow which is a full row insert. That'll help in the

Thanks again,

Sorry - I assumed rgWTBaEnd was a row number. I'm glad you were able to get
the solution you needed from one of the other folks.

