Clustered web farm

  • Thread starter Thread starter sudha
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Is it possible to redirect user to same webserver in
clustered web farm until his session ends?

Do you have control over loadbalancer?
Change it so that only first time requests get assigned to a machine and
stay on it.

Best Regards
Vidar Petursson
Microsoft Internet Client & Controls MVP

You may wish to allow the load balancing device to do it's job for you. If
you can afford to dedicate a .Net server to manage your sessions for you,
then it won't matter what server your user comes back to. In ASP, use a SQL
server to hold session information. In .Net, look into the <sessionState />
entry in your application's web.config file and point all of your web farm
machines to point to that machine.

There's a bunch of on line help that will provide further information.

Hope this helps, Terry