Timothy Daniels said:
My physical RAM is maxed out.
Then the only thing that makes any sense is to
replace the PC so you can have more physical
ram and a much better power supply etc as well.
No obsessive fiddling with the page file detail will produce
anything like as good a return performance wise.
And you'll get a noticeable improvement
from the increased FSB speed as well.
Is there a "best" or recommended cluster
size for a pagefile in a dedicated partition?
There can never be any such animal.
It varys with the file structure used, FAT32
or NTFS etc, and that other factor of a fixed
pagefile or a dynamic one matters as well.
And its all mindlessly anal when it makes a
hell of a lot more sense to cut to the chase
and replace the system and have enough
physical ram so the page file isnt used at all.
A de-fragger can control a *partition's* location?
Nope. The location of the partition is set a partition creation time.
But unless you have a dedicated partition for the page file,
you would normally want to control where the page file is
in the partition if you're getting that anal about page files.
And even a dedicated partition for the page file has its
own downsides because if its on the same physical drive
as the partition which is seeing the most disk activity, the
heads can end up moving much further between the two
partitions when the system is excessively paging.
If you want to get obsessive about optimising page files,
you really need the page file on a different physical drive
to the one which is seeing the disk activity, and it needs
to be on a different controller too, and it cant be some
dinosaury old small drive, because its performance
may well be rather poor just because its a dinosaur too.
And when you are getting that obsessive about the page
file, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to do whatever
it takes to have enough physical ram so the page file
isnt used at all, because thats an order of magnitude
or more faster than any page file on a drive can ever be.
But again, my RAM is maxed out.
But again, the only thing that makes any sense
is to replace the motherboard so it isnt anymore.
And get a big bonus with an increased FSB
speed, and get a decent power supply instead
of the puny weakling you currently have as well.
Even a desperate pov wouldnt have to flip too
many burgers to be able to get a decent system.