Cluster breaks with install of Custom Application

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Phelan
  • Start date Start date

John Phelan

I have a split data base developed with Access XP Pro.
The front-end has code that automatically links to the
back-end in order that I can provide front-end patches.
This requires that I have the latested "mdac_typ.exe 2.8"
update in order for my application to work on XP, 98SE,
and Windows 2000 machines. Yes, with the update it works
just fine on my XP Pro machine and, so for, a stand alone
Windows 98SE machine where I stalled the same mdac_typ.exe
2.8 update first.

I'm not sure if my Access runtime application interferes
with a test site's, network which has it's own Access.

I need to know if this be the problem: I first installed
the, "mdac_typ.exe 2.8" on a Windows 98SE machine (only)
that is part of a network; Without it, I cannot get my
packaged application to work. I did no installs on
whatever server they are using.

Microsoft says in their update notice,"IMPORTANT NOTE: The
following version of the Microsoft Data Access Components
(MDAC 2.8) are not supported on SQL Server 7.0 or 6.5
clustered installations. Please do NOT install this
release of MDAC on such servers; doing so will break your
cluster." Again, the machine I had it installed on was a
Windows98SE that was a part of a network. I do not know
what kind of server they use. I called Microsoft and they
told me that I could install it on a '98SE machine as long
as I do not install it on one of servers listed above.
But guess what? Their cluster broke anyway.

The cause may have been something else, but, I need to
know if their cluster broke because of the patch and
whether or not I need to exclude "98SE machines that are
networked, from my list of machines that my Access
application will work on.

No matter what Newsgroups I post this problem, or how
often, I get no response. Doesn't anyone have an answer?

Since you yourself stated that you did not install in the software on their
server, then I cannot possibly see any reason to assume, or even conclude in
any way shape that installing the software on a WORKSTATION would effect the
server. This is simply not possible in this context. It boarders on

No more so then installing word, or Excel on the pc would damage the server.
However, installing word, or Excel on a SERVER can most certainly cause
I'm not sure if my Access runtime application interferes
with a test site's, network which has it's own Access.

Installing the runtime will not effect the network, or the servers, but
installing the access runtime on a pc with an exsting version of ms-access
can MOST CERTANLY cause rpoblems ON THAT single WORKSTATION!. But, again,
those problems will NOT effect the server, or the network.

Since you are running a split mdb, then you don't have to install ANY
SOFTWARE on the server at all, and you clearly state that you have not.

For sure, there is a good many problem when trying to install the runtime on
pc's with exstings versons of ms-access. Here is list of some things:
I agree with your "silliness" comment. What prompted by
theory was the MS caution on installing "mdac_typ.exe2.8"
on certain servers. One precuation that I always make in
my installations is to force my application to use the
runtime that I install regardless of the user already
having Access install. While I may not have any answers
to what is going on (but maybe some clues), at least I can
be more assured that "mdac_typ.exe2.8" was not responsible.

However, let me try this notion on you: What if they had
an older version of Access on their machine with a version
of "mdac_typ.exe" appropriate for that period of
installing the older version of Access; is the newer
version of "mdac_typexe2.8" backward compatible for the
older version of Access?