
I think I saw a trailer for this months ago at the Cinema, and it looked really strange - as in the trailer gave no hint as to what it was about, but you wanted to see it :D
Saw the trailer when i saw I am Legend (fantastic movie btw) looks really interesting- im going to see it :D
Alf said:
Saw the trailer when i saw I am Legend (fantastic movie btw) looks really interesting- im going to see it :D

I saw Legend at the cinema over the Christmas holiday wiv me three daughters - great movie :thumb:

I know it's a remake of The Omega man but imo it was worth remaking, this version is truer to the book and explores loneliness rather than just the odd situation. Some very scarey bits in there as well.

I've never heard of Cloverfield but I'm intrigued now.
hey Flops, seeing I am Legend the 2nd time makes a big differnce. Its considerably better somehow
Yeah sometimes you miss out on stuff cause you looking around at scenery and things like that. I always try watch a good film at least once again to make sure I aint missed out on any good effects etc