Closing user form in Initialize macro?


Don Wiss

I have a situation where the user form Initialize routine can fail to
retrieve data from Access (which is used to populate a combo box). I now
display a msgbox, but I then have to display the form, which of course is
non-functional. I tried using Unload Me, but it didn't work. Presumably
as the form wasn't yet loaded. I would think there must be a way to abort
an initialization and not display the form.

Don <> (e-mail link at home page bottom).


Check for a valid connection (abiolity to retrieve) prior to initailizing the
form. If you are not going to be able to run the retrieve then dont run the


Bob Phillips

Couple of ways, but both flash the form unfortunately.

1) If the conditions is met in Initialize, set a variable. Test the
variable in Activate event, and if set, unload the form

2) Good old Ontime. If the condition is met set a timed procedure

Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), "UnloadForm"

And in a standard code module, create a procedure called UnloadForm that
unloads the form.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


There is 2 things you can do...

1. Move your code to UserForm_Activate. If an error occurs, you can unload in there.
2. Move your code to a Module & if the Access query succeeds, show the form, if not, show the error.

Example of No 2...

Sub LoadDataForm()
Dim f As frmData
Set f = New frmData
If f.GetAccessData() = True Then
MsgBox f.GetLastError() 'you'd have to add this!
End If
Set f = Nothing
End Sub

Tim Zych

Another possibility.

Load the userform. Check if the Combobox has any items (Combobox1.ListCount
0) and then proceed. appropriately.

something like

Load UserForm1
If UserForm1.ComboBox1.ListCount > 0 Then
Unload UserForm1
End If

where the UserForm's Initialize event loads the combobox with MS Access

worked for me.

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