I think you're asking how to detect when a socket is closed remoteley. I banged my head against that one for quite a while. It's documented very poorly. If that's what you're looking for, this should help.
This snippet is in C# but you should be able to convert it. There's a lot left out so e-mail me if you have any questions
/// code above here ommitte
//continuously poll for incoming messages on this connectio
//wait for the connection's mutex to come fre
Debug.WriteLine(" Locked " + con.Name, "CommThread")
//poll the socket for incoming data (1 second timeout
if(con.Sock.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead)
//read the incoming dat
numBytes = con.Sock.Receive(peekBytes,SocketFlags.Peek)
bytes = new byte[numBytes]
con.Ns.Read(bytes, 0, Convert.ToInt32(bytes.Length))
//throw the event (the event determines what to do with the message
this.OnIncomingMessage(this, new MessageEventArgs(bytes, con))
else //client is probably disconnecting
//test for remote disconnection
byte [] buffer = new byte[1];
if(con.Sock.Receive(buffer, SocketFlags.Peek) <= 0)
//no data recieved: this IS a disconnection so throw the even
this.OnRemoteDisconnection(this, new ConnectionEventArgs(con))
//break out of the loop to cause a full local disconnectio
noData = true
/// code below here ommitted