Cindy Parker
From a DOS batch script under WinXP I launched another CommandPrompt and start a program "myserver" in
this new window with a command like:
START cmd.exe /k "myserver parm1 parm2"
The original initiating batch script ends.
Then - after a while - I start another DOS batch script and
want to close this previously created other cmd.exe window.
How can I do this?
I don't want to touch the program "myserver".
All necessary stuff should be done in the closing batch script.
And of cause I don't want to manually enter "exit" in the CommandPrompt to be closed.
All should be done automatically in/from a closing supervisor batch script.
In other words: I need the opposite of the START command.
Unfortunately there is no command like:
CLOSE "cmd.exe -title=myserver"
Is there a work around for that?
this new window with a command like:
START cmd.exe /k "myserver parm1 parm2"
The original initiating batch script ends.
Then - after a while - I start another DOS batch script and
want to close this previously created other cmd.exe window.
How can I do this?
I don't want to touch the program "myserver".
All necessary stuff should be done in the closing batch script.
And of cause I don't want to manually enter "exit" in the CommandPrompt to be closed.
All should be done automatically in/from a closing supervisor batch script.
In other words: I need the opposite of the START command.
Unfortunately there is no command like:
CLOSE "cmd.exe -title=myserver"
Is there a work around for that?