PowerPoint Closing a powerpoint presentation

Nov 8, 2008
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I can not close presentations. PPT closes momentarily, then reopens and "An error has occurred. Do you want to send a report' etc" window opens. No matter what I do, the sequence keeps repeating. Even "killing the application in task manager does not work!

The only way I can get out of the program is to shutdown & restart!

Dell Inspiron, windows XP, office 2007. Shows are from other versions of PPT.
Hi Mike:wave: :wave:

Welcome to the forum...To solve your problem insert your MS Office Cd into whateverr drive you use, when it strats up it will give you an option to do a repair install..Select this and let it do its thing..Reboot your computer and all should be good..
Power Point issue

Thanks, I'll check on the disk tomorrow. Meanwhile, I read the prompt to turn off the program restart when I sent the error message!