Closely held secrets about junk email folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter herrdue
  • Start date Start date



Within my company, we occassionally send HTML formatted emails that end
up in user's junk email folders and we have no idea why. In one
instance it was a message that contained a large table structure in the
body of the message, but once we preceeded the table with an empty <p>
tag, it succeeded in going to the intended recipients. So in this case,
it really wasn't the fact that we were targetting too many individuals,
or that certain words were found in the message, it was just a silly
design thing (apparently) that had caused the problem.

It has dawned on me that it would be a good thing for our designers to
understand what might land one of their designs in the toilet. If they
know the criteria, they can avoid the problem. The question is: what
criteria does Outlook use to determine what is junk email and what is
not. I'm told that I may not be able to find out this information, that
it may be a closely held secret. Anybody out there in the know? I'd
greatly appreciate some insight.