I use this (pardon the variable names...)
infile = "C:\Temp\Garb-Tests\Test1\solTrip.xlsx"
insheet = "Trip"
Set o = Workbooks.Open(infile).Worksheets(insheet)
Reading data from this works. However, this causes the sheet to open, but I
don't want that so I do:
o.Visible = false
When I do this, ths sheet still opens but it opens without any data!
Also, when I try to close this workbook using:
o.Close (false, false)
I get a runtime error 438 - Object does not support....
I also tried to close using this:
o.Close savechanges:=False
but that did not work either.
Any help for the close and the visible issues?
I use this (pardon the variable names...)
infile = "C:\Temp\Garb-Tests\Test1\solTrip.xlsx"
insheet = "Trip"
Set o = Workbooks.Open(infile).Worksheets(insheet)
Reading data from this works. However, this causes the sheet to open, but I
don't want that so I do:
o.Visible = false
When I do this, ths sheet still opens but it opens without any data!
Also, when I try to close this workbook using:
o.Close (false, false)
I get a runtime error 438 - Object does not support....
I also tried to close using this:
o.Close savechanges:=False
but that did not work either.
Any help for the close and the visible issues?