here are some posibilities:
if the entire instance of Access is being closed, then the
form wont get to be displayed, because Access will close it
if you are trying to open the form from its own Close
event, i dont think that would work
as other have mentioned, the syntax of the line you posted
is incorrect.
it's possible, although i think unlikely from what you
have said, that another pop-up window is being placed
instead of opening the reminders form, and then letting
the close continue, try canceling the close. have some
boolean value somewhere that marks whether reminders have
been displayed yet.
For Example:
Private RemindersDone as Boolean
Private Sub OnClose(Cancel As Integer)
on error resume next
If Not RemindersDone Then
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminders"
end if
end sub
Public Sub SetRemindersDone( Optional b as Boolean = True )
on error resume next
RemindersDone = b
end sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
on error resume next
End Sub