Close Preview Select Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Emine
  • Start date Start date


I have a form that allows you to select one or several reports for preview by
using a command button. I want the Form that has the selection of reports to
automatically close after I've hit the print button.

Here is my code. What Event Procedure do I use?

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

Dim Bar As Office.CommandBar
Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl

For Each Bar In Application.CommandBars
If Bar.Name = "Print Preview" Then
Bar.Visible = True
For Each Ctrl In Bar.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is Office.CommandBarButton Then
If Ctrl.Caption = "&Print" Then
' instead of using captions you may use
' Ctrl.ID = 2521
' but i don't if its the same ID in all
' Access versions.
Ctrl.OnAction = "DoPrint"
End If
End If
Next Ctrl
End If
Next Bar

End Sub


Public Sub DoPrint()
End Sub
By the way, you could put the code on the close event of the report, then
both the report and the form will be closed when completed.