I've written a small app which has 2 buttons.
The 1st button goes away to a directory full of SQL Scripts, and then
runs them against the database.
The 2nd button has code to do some modifications to the database,
looking like the code below:
string connectionString;
connectionString =
Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseConnectionString + databaseName;
// create a new SqlConnection object with the appropriate
connection string
SqlConnection sqlConn = new
// open the connection
// create the command object
SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(SQLCommands,
// close the connection
MessageBox.Show("Operation Completed");
One of the scripts run from the script folder Drops a user, and then
Re-Creates them.
If I hit the script button first, then everything works fine.
However if I run the code button first, and then hit the script
button, an exception is thrown
saying that the user can not be dropped since they are currently
logged in!
I'm guessing I'm missing something, but it appears the Close method on
the sqlConnection object isn't
actually closing the connection...
Terminating the application and starting again resets the problem,
however there is nothing in
the dispose methods which would do that.
I've tried exchanging Close for Dispose but it made no difference.
Any help would be appreciated.
saying that a user is
The 1st button goes away to a directory full of SQL Scripts, and then
runs them against the database.
The 2nd button has code to do some modifications to the database,
looking like the code below:
string connectionString;
connectionString =
Properties.Settings.Default.DatabaseConnectionString + databaseName;
// create a new SqlConnection object with the appropriate
connection string
SqlConnection sqlConn = new
// open the connection
// create the command object
SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand(SQLCommands,
// close the connection
MessageBox.Show("Operation Completed");
One of the scripts run from the script folder Drops a user, and then
Re-Creates them.
If I hit the script button first, then everything works fine.
However if I run the code button first, and then hit the script
button, an exception is thrown
saying that the user can not be dropped since they are currently
logged in!
I'm guessing I'm missing something, but it appears the Close method on
the sqlConnection object isn't
actually closing the connection...
Terminating the application and starting again resets the problem,
however there is nothing in
the dispose methods which would do that.
I've tried exchanging Close for Dispose but it made no difference.
Any help would be appreciated.
saying that a user is