Close Form Set Table Control To Date Now

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave Elliott
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Dave Elliott

I would like to know how to on the On Close Event of my form, named
frm_ExitNow make the control in my table
named tblLastUsed (LastUsed) is the control name change to the Date(),
which is the default value.

You are not very clear on your table and how you use it. If I understand
correctly, table tblLastUsed has only one field, LastUsed... but will it
always have just one record holding the last timestamp, or do you want a new
one added every time, so it holds a history of logoffs? Here's what the code
behind the button should look like in each case:

Overwrite the one existing record:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblLastUsed SET LastUsed = " & Now()
CurrentDB.Execute strSQL

Or, to add a bnew record every time:
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblLastUsed ( LastUsed ) SELECT "& Now() & " AS
CurrentDB.Execute strSQL
