Cloning question: Booting into the image after fbreseal and before creating SDI

Feb 16, 2009
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Here is what I do currently:
1. Create image in TD (on a diff machine)
2. Copy files to C: of Reference machine
3. Boot into C:
4. FBA runs and restarts ref machine
5. Boot into C: again
6. Seals the machine and says 'Press OK to restart'

7. Now, at this point: I boot again into C: to change the Resolution from 640x480 to 1280x1024, plus, install a few necessary drivers.

8. On the machine with TD: take folders from C: of ref machine and create SDI and deploy thru Boot On LAN to diskless machine.

My Qs:
Does step number 7 affect the cloning mechanism? I read in an article that one must not boot into the sealed image before SDI is created. If done so, then each instance of the image does not get a unique SID. Is this true?
I was doing it wrong. Changed the cmiResealPhase from 12000 to 0. Now, I install my drivers and manually reseal the machine.