Art, I d/l the latest f-pup, and thanks for it. F-Prot is my default
That reminds me. I used to supply a .wgetrc file with F-pup for people
behind firewalls who require passive FTP. I need to do that again. The
file is created in a text editor as:
"passive_ftp = on"
Save as .WGETRC and keep in the F-Prot folder along with FP-UP
The following regards your webpage notes regarding more stability for
As on your site, I uninstalled OE yesterday, cold boot today and W98SE
looks fine. I never used OE, so a good move.
An excellent move!
Regarding uninstalling IE, a few questions:
Existing is the original IE 4X that is part of W98SE. I had installed IE
5.01SP2 and installed several patches in the early days when MS
supported that combination.
I only use IE 5.01 for those sites that don't accept my default
Netscape/Firebird browser. I expect that need will still exist, as some
site programmers only recognize IE.
Well, my own attitude about that is to boycott those sites, and also
bocott all software that depends on having IE installed. I don't need
any of that nonsense and I refuse to play the game
Many of us don't miss not having IE installed one bit. The Moz based
browsers have come a long way.
IIRC, the installed IE provides files to W98SE that are needed for some
W98SE functions to work (chm files, etc.).
I eradicated IE (and OE) from my previous Win 98 original many years
ago and never missed them one bit. More recently, I'm using Win ME
with those eradicated and it's the same thing. No blue screens, no
problems. Extremely stable!
However, and more frequently all the time, I am seeing comments that IE
is considered basically unsafe to use as a default browser. It is not my
default, anyway.
It's basically unsafe period
Therefore, is it a good idea to uninstall IE to gain W98 stability, as
on your site?
Not just stability, but you gain memory which was wasted on IE, and
which you can put to far better use to keep a part of Mozilla in
memory for faster loading.
I'm sure you went through the above before you made the note on the web

Futhermore, you'll find that you have practically no use
any more for Spybot and AdAware and antivirus scanners (assuming
you've done the other things I suggest at my web site as well). No
need for a firewall either. I sometimes wonder why I keep scanners
around and updated since they NEVER find anything at all. Seriously,
all the fuss over malware has become a joke to me any more. It's so
easy to just say NO
Of course, I do keep KAVDOS32, Trojan_Finder, and other utils and
scanners on tap for use before I backup to my cloned drive ... just in
case. Some day when Moz really wins the browser wars, security by
obscurity will no longer be a factor and the bad guys will be aiming
at Moz vulnerabilities. But it seems we're a long way yet from any