Here is my setup. I have a dual boot system with NT 4.0 and Win2k SP3.
Drive C: is the boot drive and also has NT. Drive D: is currently a 10GB
single partition drive and has Win2k. I want to replace that 10GB with a
20GB drive. Here is what I have tried. I slaved the new 20GB drive off the
10GB and then booted into NT. I partitioned the 20GB as a single partition
and formatted it. These are all NTFS filesystems by the way. Then I copied
the entire 10GB drive to the 20GB drive. Next I removed the 10GB drive and
put the 20GB drive in it's place as master/single. Here is what happens.
Win2k boots up to the login in screen. I enter my password and the login
dialog box goes away. It then just sits with the blue Win2k background and
cursor. I can hear the drive(s) seeking away and after about 4 minutes the
login dialog box appears on the screen again. Now if I enter my password
again, it just keeps redisplaying the login dialog immediately after
entering my password and return. No errors reported. I have also tried
booting to the Win2k CD and doing a repair on the 20GB drive, but get the
same results. Any ideas? Thanks -- Will
Drive C: is the boot drive and also has NT. Drive D: is currently a 10GB
single partition drive and has Win2k. I want to replace that 10GB with a
20GB drive. Here is what I have tried. I slaved the new 20GB drive off the
10GB and then booted into NT. I partitioned the 20GB as a single partition
and formatted it. These are all NTFS filesystems by the way. Then I copied
the entire 10GB drive to the 20GB drive. Next I removed the 10GB drive and
put the 20GB drive in it's place as master/single. Here is what happens.
Win2k boots up to the login in screen. I enter my password and the login
dialog box goes away. It then just sits with the blue Win2k background and
cursor. I can hear the drive(s) seeking away and after about 4 minutes the
login dialog box appears on the screen again. Now if I enter my password
again, it just keeps redisplaying the login dialog immediately after
entering my password and return. No errors reported. I have also tried
booting to the Win2k CD and doing a repair on the 20GB drive, but get the
same results. Any ideas? Thanks -- Will