Sometime My PC doesn't keep date and time. Not when there's no main on the
power supply, not when it's running, only when it's just off for a few
The battery have been switched, checked, etc., the problem seems to be
The tests I ran show that battery feeds the CMOS RAM only when the power
supply is unplugged. When it's plugged it's seem the battery is relayed by
the standby voltage as there's no more current drained from it. When the
computer is on, I dont know, I couln't test further.
I also used an oscilloscope to check the crystal frequency. It's the same in
the 3 states (about 34 kHz measured but that scope is old and not that much
I ran a small program in command mode which claims to access the RTC.
Windows time and RTC time match even after having running quite a long time.
I know CMOS RAM and RTC are both located in southbridge and backed up by the
battery. But I don't know how it should be feeded when the computer is
running or in standby mode. How is it supposed to work ?
The battery is OK, the oscillator works fine in any case but the registers
in the CMOS RAM are corrupted while the computer if off but still plugged.
What's wrong ?. The southbridge (VT8233) itself ?
Any help would be appreciated
PS : Be indulgent for my english
power supply, not when it's running, only when it's just off for a few
The battery have been switched, checked, etc., the problem seems to be
The tests I ran show that battery feeds the CMOS RAM only when the power
supply is unplugged. When it's plugged it's seem the battery is relayed by
the standby voltage as there's no more current drained from it. When the
computer is on, I dont know, I couln't test further.
I also used an oscilloscope to check the crystal frequency. It's the same in
the 3 states (about 34 kHz measured but that scope is old and not that much
I ran a small program in command mode which claims to access the RTC.
Windows time and RTC time match even after having running quite a long time.
I know CMOS RAM and RTC are both located in southbridge and backed up by the
battery. But I don't know how it should be feeded when the computer is
running or in standby mode. How is it supposed to work ?
The battery is OK, the oscillator works fine in any case but the registers
in the CMOS RAM are corrupted while the computer if off but still plugged.
What's wrong ?. The southbridge (VT8233) itself ?
Any help would be appreciated
PS : Be indulgent for my english