I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium. Why is my laptop clock loosing so
much time? I've noticed this recently, over the last few days. I leave it
on, plugged in, and connected to the Internet. Yesterday it lost seven
minutes and today it lost twelve minutes overnight. It seems to occur with
whichever Internet time server I have it set to sync with. I have to update
it every day. It won't sync itself but once a week. My desktop doesn't have
this problem. It's accurate to within a few seconds a day. Of course, the
desktop has Windows XP though.
much time? I've noticed this recently, over the last few days. I leave it
on, plugged in, and connected to the Internet. Yesterday it lost seven
minutes and today it lost twelve minutes overnight. It seems to occur with
whichever Internet time server I have it set to sync with. I have to update
it every day. It won't sync itself but once a week. My desktop doesn't have
this problem. It's accurate to within a few seconds a day. Of course, the
desktop has Windows XP though.