And probably the correct guess
But how to solve this, that is another question.
1. Only clean solution I come up with was to rewrite our app so it uses
system time, and only when needed we use API functions to translate it to
local time with daylight saving.
In registry we use GMT time without daylight saving so windows does not
Drawback with this solution is that BIOS time differs from time shown in our
application. But it works perfectly on both times when daylight changes.
2. MS has support for UTC also, but they do not intend to spend few hours to
make fixes to few minor bugs.
I have tested it and it is working perfectly except in periods of two hours
during the change. In this period system consumes 99% of processor time.
There is a infinite loop in some service during this time.
3. Also use google to find other solution based on registry monitoring.