Clips sticking & loss of clarity in Storyboard & Timeline

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Can someone out there please advise?
Until recently all has been well in MM. Recently good/clear material
imported has been out of focus whilst in storyboard/timeline. Sometimes
reaction to mouse is quite slow.

Memory is OK at 132GB

Any advice appreciated..............Many thanks Darcy
I'm afraid that I can't help,but I also now-after 200hrs editing- have the
same new clarity problem when I drop collections into timeline.Playback to DV
verifies the blurring probem.If you look carefully you can also see a very
mild posterizing of the'film'. This doesn't happen in other editing
suites.Shame they're not nearly as usefull as MM.
I don't appear to have the other problems.
Can I add my begging for help voice to yours?
Thank you Kevin.Nice to hear from you....I'm beginning to wonder if it might
be due to some of the "upgrades" added by M now and again...First appeared on
my new Laptop (HP) in contact with them. Will let you know if I get any
answers...Meanwhile good look .Darcy