clips in Collections

  • Thread starter Thread starter John 'A'
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John 'A'

I have just capture from my camcorder 16 minutes of video
using the Capture Video Wizard and the 'Start Capture'
and 'Stop Capture' method. I then clicked on FINISH
expecting to see a couple dozen clips populate the
Collections area. What I got, however, was one long clip
in the Collections area that has everything thing in it
that I thought I was breaking into separate clips using
the 'Start'/'Stop' procedure. I have overlooked an
important step here? Your suggestions are welcome./ John
It happens sometimes, though I don't know the reason. In
such cases you can play the video in the MovieMaker
editor window. Cue the frames by clicking on Previous
Frame or Next Frame buttons then split the scenes by
clicking on the Split button. It is a time consuming
process but does the job.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the input... your suggestion is what I
actually did to sort out my clips from the on lone clip
containing all clips. It was time consuming but I got
the job done.