Clip shortening

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For some reason, several AVI's that I've imported into wmm have had parts
missing form the ends of them. The stand alone movie files are fine, so it's
obviously Movie maker that's doing this, but I can't figure out why. They
have no transition on either side of them, either.
Bump. I forgot to tick the 'notify me of replies' thing, so please respond to
this message and not the main one.
I have no idea if they're dv-avi's. They have the .avi file extension and
that's pretty much all I know.
They're only a few seconds long (but the file size is relatively big for
small clips due to the fact that they were made as high-quality 3D renders).
I don't have any other program to edit them together with, unless you can
suggest a free one that might work.
It's the end that's being trimmed. The beginning is fine.
So you think it might be a codec problem? All the clips being made are being
built frame-by-frame by myself. I checked what codec I had set to make the
avi and it turned out to be "(cvid) Cinepak Codec by Radius"
I chose that one because it gave me the best image quality with my
animations, but it also results in the files being somewhat large.
The clips are being made with a combination of the RHINO 3D NURBS modelling
software and the BONGO animation plugin. Adding some xtra frames onto the end
would require re-rendering the entire clip, and that really isn't a viable
option cinsidering the time it takes to make one.
I believe Movie Maker has a file size limitation to it. I can recall in the
past bumping into this where I tried to bring in a really large file and it
would not do it.
did you ever find a solution to this problem? I'm just running into it too
and it happens with some clips and not others.