client-side cache vs server-side cache vs ajax vs callback




I just went into a debate with my colleague regarding these technologies. I
think they are not the same:

At a high-level...
Client-side caching is to do with temporary internet file and the 'check for
newer verions of stored pages' setting in Internet Explorer
Server-side caching is to do with and IIS. It instructs how IIS
should fetch pages (e.g. depend on parameters, by time)
ajax, which I am still learning, is a combination of technologies e.g.
dhtml, xml, javascript. It only do a 'http get', using javascript, of the
relevant part of a page.
callbacks also uses javascript but 'http post' the whole page, similar to
the traditional "post back"?

Could someone please verified...


Karl Seguin [MVP]

all ur assessments are pretty accurate. There are many different
implementations of ajax though. AJAX.NET does what you describe, while
MagicAjax and Atlas sorta sit between a pull page submit and a quick hit...


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