A user in a remote office reported that they suddenly lost their
network connection.
This has happened twice in the last week to the same machine. I took a
look at their machine just now and did an ipconfig /all.
Their ip address had changed from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to 169.xxx.xxx.xxx.
This would explain why they lost all connection to the network because
our network in the remote office does not use 169.
The remote office has a Sonicwall that assigns IP addresses to the
machines using DHCP.
Any thoughts why a NIC adapter would change IP address during
operation without any user intervention? I'm assuming it's either the
NIC or the Sonicwall. Could some form of malicious software have
changed the IP?
Before I arrived, the user had done multiple reboots and power downs
and still could not get to the network. After I arrived and viewed the
settings, I powered down and it came back up with the correct DHCP
assigned address for our network.
network connection.
This has happened twice in the last week to the same machine. I took a
look at their machine just now and did an ipconfig /all.
Their ip address had changed from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to 169.xxx.xxx.xxx.
This would explain why they lost all connection to the network because
our network in the remote office does not use 169.
The remote office has a Sonicwall that assigns IP addresses to the
machines using DHCP.
Any thoughts why a NIC adapter would change IP address during
operation without any user intervention? I'm assuming it's either the
NIC or the Sonicwall. Could some form of malicious software have
changed the IP?
Before I arrived, the user had done multiple reboots and power downs
and still could not get to the network. After I arrived and viewed the
settings, I powered down and it came back up with the correct DHCP
assigned address for our network.