Client failure and BSOD

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I'm seeking a little guidance on my problem, i have a computer that i built
that's been running Vista for 8 months. I have a few minor problems but
nothing major, until this weekend. Around saturday the computer started
having windows client failure of various types and a bunch of blue screens of
death. I tried everything i could come up with to trouble shoot, so this
morning i deleted the partion formatted the hard drive and reinstalled a
fresh install. Well guess what everything started again various client
failure and they are(Super Fetch, windows modules installer, windows
explorer, and microsoft software licensing service has stopped working). Also
a bunch of BSODs and they are(Drive IRQ not less or equal, memory management,
and Bugcode usb driver failures). So after all this i'm leaning toward a bad
hard drive, if anyone can give me a little guidance on what they might be
thinking it will be much appreciated!!!

If you suspect the hard drive, then download a diagnostic tool from the
manufacturer. Run from floppy or CD, it will tell you the state of the drive
and whether or not it should be replaced.

And yes, I agree that you likely have a hardware issue. Make sure you run a
memory diagnostic as well (either the one in Vista, or downloaded from Check your motherboard manual, as there may be
additional diagnostics you can run there as well.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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