Client can not connect to the TS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


I changed the Remote Administrator mode to Aplication
Mode. User was unable to connect. When I changed back to
Remote Adminsitrator mode, user was able to connect. I saw
in the Event Viewer - Event ID 1004: The terminal server
cannot issue a client license. We have 25 concurrent
licenses. Do I need to get more?
Are those licenses server CALs or TS CALs? You need both.
Note that TS CALs are never concurrent.
Also, they must be installed on a Terminal Server Licensing
Server. Do you have one installed and activated? Can the TS locate
the LS?
Which OS do you run on the TS and the LS?
If W2K, is the LS running on the Domain Controller?
If 2003, which type of licenses did you install, Per User or Per

If OS = 2003 and licenses are Per User, is the Terminal Server
(not the Licensing Server!) set to use "Per User" licensing? The
default is "Per Device".
You can check this from Administrative Tools - Terminal Services
Configuration - Server Settings
If it's set to Per Device mode, it will look for a Device TS CAL
and will not issue your Per User TS CALs.

Check this article, it explains that even after you have
switched licensing mode on the TS, your Per User TS CAL count will
not be decremented:

822134 - The Function of Terminal Server CALs in Windows Server
Sorry about all these questions. I inherited the TS
network. I do not know how the previous person setup TS.
I only see per Server CALs. We do have a Licensing server
and it is activated.
How do make the TS locate the LS?
We are running W2K on both servers. Yes, the LS is on the
Any more help would be appreciated.
It still isn't clear to me which licenses you have:

* Check in Control Panel - Licensing applet. Licenses here are
server CALs, needed for authentication, file and print services,
etc. I assume it is 25 of those that you have?
* Check in Terminal Server Licensing Manager. Licenses here are
Terminal Server CALs.

You need one of each for each client.

Since you get Event 1004, you have a problem with TS CALs.
Since your TS Licensing Server runs on a Domain Controller, you
should not have a problem with LS discovery by the TS (if you
have, you will see Event 1010 on the TS - check to be sure).

If your LS is activated and running OK, you should see a line in
TS Licensing Manager like "Existing Windows 2000 Per Device TS
CALs" - Available : Unlimited. Those TS CALs are issued for free
to any W2K Pro or XP Pro workstation that connects to the TS.

If you have other clients (running Windows9x, NT, Mac, linux, thin
clients), you will need to buy and install TS CAL for them on the
TS Licensing Server.

Windows 2000 Terminal Services Licensing FAQ
Yes, it shows 25 concurrent connections per server
selected in the Licensing applet in TS. I checked the
event viewer for 1010. Nothing there.

The DC has 250 concurrent connections per server selected.

User can not connect when the TS is set to Application
Mode. User has XP Home Edition.

When I check Existing Windows 2000 License, the number
count does not change. It shows 23 issued. Should the
issued count go up as users log into TS?

"You need one of each for each client." So I need more
concurrent connections per server on the TS for more users
to access the TS?
OK, XP Home on the client explains the problem:

An XP Home (not Pro!) client needs a purchased TS CAL and won't be
issued a free "Existing Windows 2000 TS CAL". Those TS CALs are
built-in licenses for W2K Professional and XP Pro clients only.
So you'll need to buy TS CALs (as many as you have XP Home
clients, or other clients than those running W2K Pro or XP Pro),
and install them on the TS Licensing Server.

Some other remarks:

* TS licenses are *not* concurrent!

* I don't understand what you mean with "it shows 25 concurrent
connections per server selected in the Licensing applet in TS".
The licensing applet (in Control Panel) is about server CALs and
has no bearing on TS CALs. The entry in TS Licensing Manager with
"Existing Windows 2000 TS CALs" should show "unlimited" under
"Available", no fixed number.

* yes, the "issued" counts shows you how many licenses are issued
to clients.