Claudio said:
We are about to upgrade our nt domain to Windows 2003 domain.
We bought servers licesenses for all our production servers.
My question is, do I need to purshase CALs for my users as well?
Yes. That's the whole point.
Server license + CAL's for each user or device.
If you choose user, then you need to make sure each user in your
organization is given a unique login account to prevent confusion.
The good news is that you don't need to buy CAL's for each server
separately. IE: 100 users with 2 servers requires 100CAL's not 200 (100
users for each server). Once that user or device has a CAL they can
connect to any Windows server at the version of the CAL or lower. So
buy the most recent version CAL (2003). I think they removed the
windows 2000 CALs from sale but if not make sure you always buy the
latest version even if you are using older servers.