Hi all,
Not sure where to post this, so 'cuse me if this is off topic.
I am just assembling a new machine for myself and there are two things
I'm not sure about.
1) I want a nice clicky keyboard... something like the one's that
Compaq put out a few years ago or that IBM did back when dinosaurs
still roamed the earth. Nothing branded "Microsoft" or "Nike" for
philosophical reasons.
PS/2 or USB doesn't bug me.
2) A nothing-special-but-will-do-the-job AGP video card. Nvidia or
ATI? 64MB enough? More than enough? Main video use will be running
Linux on my 17" monitor and watching the odd DVD. And Warcraft III of
Finally, anything glaringly obviously wrong with the following config?
Asus A7N8X (Not Deluxe) revision 2.0
AMD Athlon 2400+ (best bang for buck at the moment IMHO, can upgrade
when prices fall)
AMD Factory CPU cooling fan.
512MB single PC-2700 simm .. Kingston if possible.
Seagate (or Maxtor) 80GB 7200RPM HDD
D-LINK 10/100 DFE-530TX (2 of)
Samsung DVD Drive
Generic Floppy
Generic Case with at least 300W P/S
Three button mouse. Logitec or similar.
Clicky Keyboard as above
AGP graphics card as above.
Don't need an internal modem.. got so many external 56Ks lying around
if I need one. I've also got an external (parallel) HP cd-burner... a
bit slow but will do for the moment. I guess a bigger question is
whether the DVD CD/RW combo drives are worth it, but given I haven't
yet done a USENET search for that thread don't feel compelled to give
an opinion
Thanks for your time.
Not sure where to post this, so 'cuse me if this is off topic.
I am just assembling a new machine for myself and there are two things
I'm not sure about.
1) I want a nice clicky keyboard... something like the one's that
Compaq put out a few years ago or that IBM did back when dinosaurs
still roamed the earth. Nothing branded "Microsoft" or "Nike" for
philosophical reasons.

2) A nothing-special-but-will-do-the-job AGP video card. Nvidia or
ATI? 64MB enough? More than enough? Main video use will be running
Linux on my 17" monitor and watching the odd DVD. And Warcraft III of
Finally, anything glaringly obviously wrong with the following config?
Asus A7N8X (Not Deluxe) revision 2.0
AMD Athlon 2400+ (best bang for buck at the moment IMHO, can upgrade
when prices fall)
AMD Factory CPU cooling fan.
512MB single PC-2700 simm .. Kingston if possible.
Seagate (or Maxtor) 80GB 7200RPM HDD
D-LINK 10/100 DFE-530TX (2 of)
Samsung DVD Drive
Generic Floppy
Generic Case with at least 300W P/S
Three button mouse. Logitec or similar.
Clicky Keyboard as above
AGP graphics card as above.
Don't need an internal modem.. got so many external 56Ks lying around
if I need one. I've also got an external (parallel) HP cd-burner... a
bit slow but will do for the moment. I guess a bigger question is
whether the DVD CD/RW combo drives are worth it, but given I haven't
yet done a USENET search for that thread don't feel compelled to give
an opinion

Thanks for your time.