clickOnce (more instances of installation)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ondrej Dobecka
  • Start date Start date

Ondrej Dobecka


I have created a basic application, which is deployed as clickOnce and has
some dll and one config file.

Application 1 = main .exe file + dlls + one specific .config file
Application 2 = main .exe file + dlls + another specific .config file

What do I need to set to install them as completely independent ?

I tried to change everything in ClickOnce Deployment Manifest file, but one
application still updates the second one...
In ClickOnce Application Manifest file, it seems that there is nothing
specific changeable, but maybe I'm wrong.

(I need also have two shortcuts in Start/Programs, but as I said, one
installation always replaces the another... )

Thank you very much for any answer or idea

Ondrej Dobecka
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)
Hi Ondrej,

Based on my understanding, you have a WinForm application to be deployed
via ClickOnce. Say you have installed the application via ClickOnce and
then publish a newer version. When you install the application via
ClickOnce, the new version always replaces the old one. What you want is to
install the new version application as an independent product, without
replacing the previous old version application. If I'm off base, please
feel free to let me know.

You could use different certificate files to sign the ClickOnce manifests
to install the ClickOnce application as different applications.

To do this, right-click the project node in the Solution Explorer and
select Properties. In the Project Designer, switch to Signing tab and click
the "Select from Store" button and you will see all available certificate
files listed in the listbox in the "Select a Certificate" dialogbox. You
could select a different certificate file for the new version application
from that of the old version.

If there's only one certificate file in the "Select a Certificate"
dialogbox, you could add a new certificate file. On the Signing tab, click
the "Create Test Certificate" button. In the "Create Test Certificate"
dialogbox, enter a password and press OK button. Click the "Select from
Store" button, you will see the new certificate file is added in the
certificate files listbox.

Hope this help.
If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Ondrej,

How about the problem now?

If the problem is still not resolved, please feel free to let me know.

Thank you for using our MSDN Managed Newsgroup Support Service!

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support

thank you very much. With your help, I solved that problem in minute :)

Ondrej Dobecka

Linda Liu said:
Hi Ondrej,
How about the problem now?
If the problem is still not resolved, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you for using our MSDN Managed Newsgroup Support Service!

Linda Liu
Microsoft Online Community Support