Is there any reason why when viewing the size of the installation of
my 20MB application in Add/Remove Programs its listed as being
Well, I don't know either, but I can give you some hints:
- Locate %USER%/Local Settings/Apps/2.0/ and then a unique id for each
ClickOnce App.
- Do a right-click properties and for a 16MB (fresh) install I get some
68 MB used on disc.
This is, because the files are duplicated. There is only one folder,
that has the complete program (all files) and all other directories in
there have duplicate records of my dlls.
- Now comes another problem, if you make an upgrade. An upgrade does NOT
remove the previous version. So out of this almost 70 MB I will get
140 MB.
However, there will only be 2 installations kept on disc. If you
upgrade a second time, the first installation will be deleted... so
the disc space is not really gone forever ;-).
- So why do you have 234MB and I have only 2x68MB?
I am pretty sure, that most of your files are .NET assemblies. These
get duplicated into other directories. I have a lot of resource files,
and these don't get duplicated so often.
I don't know why all this happens but seems to be another story from MS
that goes under the title "sad but true" (just to mention Metallica here
;-) ).
hope this helps... and if you get a hint to shrink this - get back to
me; I am curious about that, too.