freddy k
Please help I cant figure out where this clicking noise is coming from.I switched cases this last weekend (because of a power supply and i needed a new case) and it didn't click before.It has begun clicking only every once in a while maybe once a day for about 5 clicks then a couple more. It almost sounds like a modem noise like A phone click but I have no modem in the computer. My harddrive is right in front, and it doesnt sound like its coming from there. I suspect the power supply but i cant tell and would it click? There also is a high ptich whining that ill hear when i first start the computer up which will go away after its been running for a while which i think is the fan on the power supply.I have also doucle checked the fans, even looked for leaking capacitors on the MOBO. Does anyone else have any ideas,and if it is the power supply what would cause that?
' Thank you
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