Click to add Values in a different Cell

Jul 14, 2010
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Good day all.

I am trying to add a value from a specific range of values to a target cell by simply clicking one of the specific range of cells, i.e.

C2- Bill
C3- Bob
C4- Jim
C5- Mike
C6- Steve

I want to Click one of these cells and have the value in that cell show up in Cell A1

So clicking on C2 would add the value Bill to A1, then if i click C6 it would change the value in A1 to Steve etc.
Welcome to the forums zelle :)

I don't know much about Excel programming, but I'm pretty sure you'll have to use VBA programming to do what you are trying to achive. I'm sure there will be some source code for changing a value based on the active cell - so perhaps some googling will yield a result.

Good luck :)
Thank you,

I have since thought of that and developed the following code

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C2:C6")) Is Nothing Then
Cancel = True
Range("A1") = Target.Value
End If

End Sub

It works beautifully. Thanks for the help!