click to add notes

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How can I close or get rid of the "click to add notes" at the bottom of my
work area in PP2003. I never use this area and would like to get it out of
the way. Thanks

Easiest way is to click on the top bar of the notes area and drag it down to
the bottom.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at
the original
glen at pptworkbench dot com
How can I close or get rid of the "click to add notes" at the bottom of my
work area in PP2003. I never use this area and would like to get it out of
the way. Thanks

What Glen said.


Hold down Ctrl+Shift and click the "Normal" view icon just above "Draw" in the
lower left of your PPT window.


Choose Tools, Customize and go to the Commands tab.
Click "View" in the list on the left then drag "Slide" from the list on the
right to any convenient toolbar.
Close the Customize dialog box, click your new button, voila, Slide view, no
notes tab, no outline/thumbnails pane on the left.
How can I close or get rid of the "click to add notes" at the bottom of my
work area in PP2003. I never use this area and would like to get it out of
the way. Thanks

Speaking of Notes, I typed notes for a couple of slides and would have
liked a way of printing them so I could refer to them while giving the
presentation, but I couldn't find any way to do that and simply copied
them into Notepad and printed that.Is there another way?
Thanks! Howcome this isn't mentioned in PP Help? (Or, if it is, what
words would you search for it with?)

File | Print and choose Notespages in the "print what" box.

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grammatim said:
Speaking of Notes, I typed notes for a couple of slides and would have
liked a way of printing them so I could refer to them while giving the
presentation, but I couldn't find any way to do that and simply copied
them into Notepad and printed that.Is there another way?-
I typed

Print Notes

into the Help box in PPT 2003, and the first thing that turned up was a
topic titled "print notes pages." Seeps pretty straightforward to me.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

grammatim said:
Thanks! Howcome this isn't mentioned in PP Help? (Or, if it is, what
words would you search for it with?)

File | Print and choose Notespages in the "print what" box.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint
grammatim said:
Speaking of Notes, I typed notes for a couple of slides and would have
liked a way of printing them so I could refer to them while giving the
presentation, but I couldn't find any way to do that and simply copied
them into Notepad and printed that.Is there another way?-