Click on record in a subform datasheet to open another form displaying info related to that record??

  • Thread starter Thread starter edself
  • Start date Start date


I have a form which displays a subform datasheet of information. I'd like
to be able to quickly click on a particular record and open up another form
showing more detailed information about that record from a related table.

Is there a way to do this? It would be nice to be able to right click on a
cell in a datasheet and then select menu choice to open a form with related
information, but it seems like to right click menues in Access are hardwired
for Access application functionality.

Is there some other way to accomplish the same thing? Again, I just want to
be able to quickly click on a record/cell in a datasheet and open another
form to view expanded information related to that record from a different

Thanks in advance for your help!

Ed Self
It's easy to do with a continuous forms view, and using double click -- that
is illustrated in the sample databases for image handling in Access that you
can download from I use a common procedure
called from the double-click event of each control and the detail section
itself so a double-click anywhere on the line will open the detail form. In
that procedure, you pick up the unique id and construct a DoCmd.OpenForm
statement's WhereCondition.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP