Click, Double-Click and Run Time Error 2115

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Wetmore
  • Start date Start date

David Wetmore

The following code works fine when executed as a double-click event. When I change it to
a click event I get run-time error 2115 when in BannerUpdate (last routine in the code
snippit). The text displays in the banner and I get the error.

comboQuads is a combo box which is populated through the not in list event.

What is happening, and how can I fix the problem?

Private Sub comboQuads_Click()
'Having selected a descriptor, make the link and add the text to the banner display.
Call MakeLinkRecord(rsProjects, comboQuads, rsQuadLinks, strQuadBanner)
Call BannerUpdate(txtQuadBanner, strQuadBanner)
End Sub 'comboQuads_Click

Private Sub MakeLinkRecord(ParentSet As Recordset, ChildBox As ComboBox, rsLinkSet As
Recordset, strBannerText As String)
'Builds a link with the child info from the the combobox, updates the banner box text
On Error GoTo LinkError

With rsLinkSet
!ParentKey = ParentSet!ProjectKey
!ChildKey = ChildBox.Column(0)
End With
If strBannerText = "" Then
strBannerText = ChildBox.Column(1)
strBannerText = strBannerText & vbCrLf & ChildBox.Column(1)
End If
Exit Sub
If (Err.Number = 3022) Then
MsgBox ("""" & ChildBox.Column(1) & """" & "is already part of this project.")
Resume NewLink
End If
End Sub 'MakeLinkRecord

Private Sub BannerUpdate(txtBanner As TextBox, strBannerText As String)
'Keep the banner boxes read-only
txtBanner.Locked = False
txtBanner.Text = strBannerText 'Run-time error 2115
txtBanner.Locked = True
End Sub 'BannerUpdate
Try replacing the

Call BannerUpdate(txtQuadBanner, strQuadBanner)

line with

txtquadbanner = strquadbanner

You don't need to go through the setfocus and lock/unlock process to change
the value of a text box. The locked property is usually only used to prevent
the user from changing the value directly by typing in the box - it can be
changed in code without unlocking it.

Does this help?
